DTM Students Place in top 10 at GCSAA Turf Bowl
Twelve Associate Diploma in Turfgrass Management students recently traveled to Orlando, Florida and represented the University of Guelph, Department of Plant Agriculture and Ontario Agricultural College at the annual Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) Turf Bowl, hosted at the annual Golf Industry Show.
Students competed head-to-head against other top US and international turfgrass schools in many different competitions. Our second year team, #51, achieved an overall score of 6th out of 60 teams in the competition - a very significant and historic accomplishment as this is the first time a Guelph Turf team has placed in the top 10, and also the first time an International team has placed in the top 10 at the event!
Hats off to all students that participated and represented the University of Guelph at this year's event!
For the full news release and photos from the Department of Plant agriculture see: http://www.plant.uoguelph.ca/news/gcsaa-turf-bowl
This news brief authored by John R. Watson, GTI Communications
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