Ontario Turfgrass Symposium

Logos for GTI, NSGA, ORFA, PLCAO,STC.The leading Edge of Information. Feb 19-20, 2025 in Guelph, ON


As Canada’s foremost event for the turf sector—including lawn care, sports turf, golf, recreation facilities and nursery sod—the annual Ontario Turfgrass Symposium offers sessions on the latest research and innovations in turf management. The next Ontario Turfgrass Symposium (OTS) is taking place on Wednesday, February 19 and Thursday, February 20, 2025. OTS 2025 will be hosted in Rozanski Hall at the University of Guelph.

OTS is an educational event and you can earn credits, points, and certification through our industry partners:

  • ORFA Professional Designation Credits: each 1 hour session qualifies for 1 PD ORFA Credit
  • GCSAA Education Points:  0.45 on Feb 19, 0.4 on Feb 20
  • CGSA Accreditation Program:  0.45 on Feb 19, 0.4 on Feb 20
  • Ontario Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Continuing Education Credits: 4.0 credits per day, see schedule for details
  • New this year: 0.4 Continuing Education Units per day (0.8 CEUs total) from Sports Field Management Association
  • New this year: Certificate of attendance from Professional Lawn Care Association of Ontario 


Registration Type 

Early Bird Rate

Regular Rate

2-day Registration



1-day Registration




Members of Sports Turf Canada, Professional Lawn Care Association of Ontario, Ontario Recreational Facilities Association, and Nursery Sod Growers of Ontario are eligible for a 20% discount rate. Please contact your membership administrator for the code or check your inbox for an email from them.

Alumni of the University of Guelph Diploma in Turf Management (DTM), Turf Managers' Short Course (TMSC), and Maintaining Golf Courses Certificate (MGCC) can apply for a discount code here: https://uoguel.ph/TurfAlum

Early Bird pricing is available until 5:00pm (EDT), Monday, January 27, 2025.

Registration closes at 3:00pm (EDT) on Monday, February 17, 2025.

NOTE: If you require an invoice, please download this form and email it to GTI@uoguelph.ca. Group registrations via invoice will close at noon on Feb 14, 2025. 

Register Now



Wed. Feb. 19, 2025


Room 101

Room 103

Room 105


Opening remarks

GTI Update with Dr. Sara Stricker

Session Details

General session in room 101


Advancements in Turfgrass Varieties: Reducing Inputs Without Compromising Quality with Dr. Kyley Dickson

IPM: 1.0

Session Details

General session in room 101


Break - lobby


Update from the Ontario Turfgrass Research Foundation

Update from Sports Turf Canada

Update from Professional Lawn Care Association of Ontario


The Business of Golf with Jason Pick 

Session Details

Renovating Alumni Stadium at the University of Guelph (synthetic turf) with Cam Lawrie

Session Details

Cultural Practices for Resilient Lawns with Dr. Katerina Jordan

IPM: 1.0

Session Details


Lunch - lobby


Nematodes and What You Need to Know ​with Dr. Nathaniel Mitkowski

IPM: 1.0

Session Details

Panel Discussion: Behind the Scenes Look at Holding National Tournaments with Joe BreedonTrevor Warner, Casey Colthurst, and Jamie Kell

Session Details

Lawn Weeds and their Management with Dr. François Tardif

IPM: 0.5

Session Details

Turf Species Identification for Lawncare Professionals with Mike Van Beek

IPM: 0.5

Session Details


Break - lobby


Solutions for Golf Turf’s Toughest Pests: Connecting the Dots for Sustainable Turf Management with Dr. Katerina Jordan

IPM: 1.0

Session Details

Robotic Mowers in Sports Turf Management with Terry Henderson and Rory Doucette

Session Details

Recognizing and managing common turfgrass insect pests in lawns with Dr. Sara Stricker

IPM: 1.0

Session Details


Draw for door prizes

General session in room 101


Social networking event at The Bullring sponsored by Clean Turf Canada


Thurs. Feb. 20, 2025


Room 101

Room 103w

Room 105


Opening remarks

DTM Update with Cam Shaw

General session in room 101


Recent Research from the Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre with Jason Pick

IPM: 1.0

Session Details

General session in room 101


Break - lobby


First Green in Canada with Ryan Scott

Update from the Ontario Recreation Facilities Association 

Update from the Nursery Sod Growers Association of Ontario


Foliar Diseases on Golf Course Greens and Fairways ​with Dr. Nathaniel Mitkowski

IPM: 1.0

Session Details

Turf Maintenance, from Recreation to Rest with Rory Doucette

IPM: 1.0

Session Details

Strategies for Weed Control in Sod Production with Dr. Eric Lyons

Session Details


Lunch - lobby


Chicago District Golf: Newer Ways to Control Silvery Thread Moss in Greens & Disease Diagnostics in 2024  (Roots?!?) with Dr. Derek Settle

IPM: 1.0

Session Details

Calculating Realistic User Fee Systems with Terry Piche

Session Details

The Year of the Armyworm Invasion with Mike Schiedel

IPM: 0.25

Session Details

Pest Scouting Best Practices for Sod Farms with Matt Legg

IPM: 0.75

Session Details


Break - lobby


The Newest Technology for Measuring Putting Green Performance with Tom Gould

IPM: 1.0

Session Details

Panel Discussion: New Trends in Recreation Grounds Operation and Management with Linda Whitehead, Frank Cain, & Terry Piche 

Session Details


Driving the Future of Turf Grass: The Power of Autonomous Tractors  (Virtual talk) with Jordan Wallace

Session Details

Using non-agricultural source materials to off-set fertilizer costs and improve soil health on sod farms with Taylor Oswin

Session Details



Draw for door prizes and final remarks

General session in room 101

*4:00 Ontario Pesticide Training & Certification Exam (room 105)*

Note: The OPTC Exam is not included in the OTS registration fee and must be registered for separately at www.ontariopesticide.com



Sara Stricker

Dr. Sara Stricker is a plant pathologist working as the Communications Coordinator at the Guelph Turfgrass Institute. She aims to make turfgrass research interesting and accessible to the industry and the public. Sara obtained her B. Sc, M. Sc, and Ph. D degrees at the University of Guelph and completed a Bachelor of Education at Western University. She has conducted research on foliar diseases including tar spot of maple, Stemphylium leaf blight of onion, and Microdochium patch of creeping bentgrass.


Kyley Dickson

Dr. Kyley Dickson serves as the Executive Director of the Alliance for Low Input Sustainable Turf (A-LIST), a position he has held since 2022. In this role, he leads efforts to promote and identify environmentally sustainable and high-performing turfgrass varieties. In addition to his leadership with A-LIST, Dr. Dickson is a researcher at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where his work focuses on advancing athletic field safety and performance. 


Jason Pick

Jason Pick is the CEO of the Alberta Turfgrass Research Foundation and the Managing Director of the Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre. He is a former golf course superintendent, having joined the Olds College faculty in 2009. Jason specializes in Turfgrass Science and Golf Resort Management, and is a Faculty Lecturer at Olds College of Agriculture & Technology. He holds and Associate's Degree in soil science and agronomy from the University of Guelph, a Bachelor of Science from Olds College, a Postgraduate Degree in Business Administration from McMaster, and a Master of Science in Turfgrass Management from Penn State University.


Cam Lawrie

Cameron Lawrie is the supervisor of the Gryphon Fieldhouse, Alumni Stadium, and outdoor sports fields at the University of Guelph, where he promotes and inspires lifelong participation in recreational and competitive sports by facilitating community, intramural, and varsity sports leagues, and a wide variety of skill development programs and special events. He graduated from a Master of Science program at McGill University in 2014 and he also holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from the University of Guelph. Cameron has volunteered for the Race Around Ireland cycling event and for the Pan-American Games. This summer he oversaw the renovation of the synthetic turf surface at Alumni Stadium. 

Website icon gryphons.ca/staff-directory/cameron-lawrie/398

Nathaniel Mitkowski

Dr. Nathaniel Mitkowski is a professor at the University of Rhode Island in the Department of Plant Sciences and Entomology. His primary research focus is improving and developing disease control strategies for intensively managed turfgrass systems. Dr. Mitkowski's previous work has included the elucidation of bacterial wilt of Poa annua and creeping bentgrass, investigating the biology of nematode pathogens on turfgrasses in New England and examining fungicide resistance patterns in Colletotrichum cereale and Leptospherulina australis. He is currently working with collaborators from around the region studying the control and management of the beech leaf nematode. He is heavily invested in disease diagnostics and has been managing the URI Turf Diagnostic Laboratory since 2001.

Website icon uri.edu/nathaniel-mitkowski

Joe Breedon

Joe Breedon is the Outdoor Recreation Facility Coordinator for the City of Barrie. Joe was named the Sports Turf Manager of the year in 2018 by Sports Turf Canada and was recognized in the Turf & Rec Top 10 under 40 in 2020. Furthermore, he has been awarded the "Field of Excellence" award by Pioneer Athletics for his work at the Barrie Community Sports Complex, and the Barrie Baycats named the grounds crew, which included Joe, as the "MVP" for the 2008 season. Joe is known for his professionalism and commitment to Ontario's municipal green infrastructure. Joe earned the designation of a CSFM “Certified Sports Field Manager” through the Sports Field Management Association based out of the USA for the last 7 years.


Trevor Warner

Trevor Warner's dedication to sports field maintenance began while he was playing junior college baseball in Tennessee. He enjoyed maintaining the field and had a knack for it. He considers himself fortunate to have been able to learn from some of the best in the southeastern United States sports field construction and renovation industry. He has maintained fields for the City of Welland, for the Niagara Stars (which were part of the Canadian baseball league) and completed major renovations in Quebec for the league. He then expanded his industry awareness with Mar-Co Clay Products. He has been in the municipal environment with the City of Woodstock since 2014. Trevor is a strong believer of continual professional development and completed the Turf Managers’ Short Course at the Guelph Turfgrass Institute. Trevor is a long-standing member of Sports Turf Canada and won the Sports Turf Manager of the Year in 2021. Trevor presented at the Sports Field Management Association’s Conference in Florida in January 2024.  He is working with turf related organizations to provide infield management training and sharing his expertise with the industry.

Casey Colthurst

Casey Colthurst has been the Parks Manager for the Town of Tecumseh,ON since 2007. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Forestry from Lakehead University and previously worked as an arborist and tree care consultant, with a specialty in urban forestry.

Jamie Kell

Jamie Kell has maintained the off-field operations and on-field maintenance for the Town of Tecumseh’s Bert Lacasse Baseball Park since 2013. Jamie has been the Head Coach of the Tecumseh Men’s AAA Baseball team for the past 16 and was a member of the National Baseball Institute (NBI) from 1994 to 1996 (Surrey, BC) playing shortstop and competing against Division I, II and NAIA Division USA College Baseball Teams. As a Geographic Information Systems Technician with the Town of Tecumseh, he applied spatial awareness, mapping and design along with his expansive background knowledge in baseball to support the $5 million renovation to Bert Lacasse Ballpark (Feb 2023 to June 2024). From the beginning of getting involved with the Tecumseh Baseball Club and Bert Lacasse Park, Jamie, working with the Town of Tecumseh has been an advocate for a safe, properly maintained and cared for baseball field surface. Whether it be with staff, budgets, materials, funding, shared costs or knowledge all efforts go towards one goal; to remain as one of the best places to play and experience amateur baseball in Ontario – Bert Lacasse Park.

Francois Tardif

Dr. François Tardif is a professor in the Department of Plant Agriculture at the University of Guelph specializing in weed science. Dr. Tardif teaches several courses at the University of Guelph, including Turf Weeds in the DTM program. His research focuses on herbicide resistance and integrated pest management. 

Website icon www.plant.uoguelph.ca/ftardif

Mike Van Beek

Mike Van Beek comes to the Ontario Turfgrass Symposium with over 40 years of experience in the turf industry. He is the instructor for several Diploma in Turfgrass Management (DTM) and Turf Managers Short Course (TMSC) at the University of Guelph, including The Identification and Care of Landscape Plants in Turf Environments. Mike previously taught at Seneca College and he serves on the Board of Directors for the Ontario Turfgrass Research Foundation. 


Katerina Jordan

Dr. Katerina Jordan is an experienced plant researcher in turfgrass science and the director of the Guelph Turfgrass Institute (GTI) at the University of Guelph. Katerina is an associate professor in the Department of Plant Agriculture, where she has been conducting turfgrass research since 2005. She has taught courses in turfgrass insects, biological control of plant diseases, research methods and statistics, plant disease epidemiology, and integrated pest management to certificate, diploma, undergraduate, and graduate students. Her primary service to the turfgrass industry is managing the GTI Diagnostic Clinic.

Twitter(X) Logo @TurfGirl68

Website icon Plant.UoGuelph.ca/KJordan

Terry Henderson

Terry Henderson is currently a Supervisor for Parks East at City of Waterloo and the Vice-President of Sports Turf Canada. He previously served on the IPM Council of Canada, the Guelph Turfgrass Institute Advisory Board, and has been a member of Sports Turf Canada for over 20 years. Before moving to Waterloo, Terry was the Grounds Superintendent at Woodlawn Memorial Park in Guelph.


Eric Lyons

Dr. Eric Lyons is an Associate Professor in the Department of Plant Agriculture at the University of Guelph. Dr. Lyons specializes in nutrient management, stress physiology and plant competition in sports field, golf course and landscape turf.  In addition, Dr. Lyons oversees extensive testing of new emerging products for turfgrass managers and focusses on outreach and education to further the turfgrass industry. 


Website icon Plant.UoGuelph.ca/ELyons

Cam Shaw

With over 25 years’ experience working with people & turfgrass Cam Shaw has built his career on being an effective communicator, educator, industry leader and passionate lover of grass and the environment. Having worked in multiple towns, provinces and countries, Cam has developed an intricate understanding of the various challenges our industry faces when it comes to legislation, public perception, and stakeholder communications. As manager of the Diploma in Turfgrass Management program at the University of Guelph, Cam spends his days planning, instructing, and preparing the next generation of Canadian turfgrass managers for a challenging, yet rewarding career.


Ryan Scott

Ryan Scott completed the University of Guelph Turf Managers short course and continued his education by completing the short course at Michigan State University. He recently completed his Business Administration Certificate from McMaster University and is currently working towards his Business Administration Diploma with a concentration in Project Management. Ryan’s career started at North Halton Golf and Country Club while making stops at Grand Niagara, Oakville Golf Club and is currently the Superintendent at Beverly Golf and Country Club. Ryan hosted the inaugural First Green Event in Ontario in 2023 and is a Past President of the OGSA.

Rory Doucette

Rory Doucette is the Manager of parks Operations for the City of Brantford and the current President of Sports Turf Canada. He holds an Executive Certification in Municipal Management from York University and a Diploma in Human resources Management from Sheridan College. Rory has experience working with a diverse and dedicated team to maintain and build a thriving community where connecting creativity and play is the goal. He holds several certifications, including  Cemetery Administrator, Crematorium Operator, Playground Inspector, Ice Technician, and Spray Pad Practitioner.


Derek Settle

Dr. Derek Settle is native of Wichita, Kansas with degrees from Kansas State University. Dr. Settle returned to the Chicago District Golf Association (CDGA) as Director of Turfgrass Programs in 2021. For five years he worked for Bayer Environmental Science (now Envu) as a technical representative on the Green Solutions Team. He helped launch the nematicide Indemnify in 2016. As a nematologist he continues to consult. Previously, Dr. Settle was in the same position in Chicago from 2006-2012. The CDGA Turf Program provides multiple services: diagnostics, research, education and communications. The current membership is the largest ever with 410 golf clubs comprising 94,220 individual golf members. All turfgrass services are available without a fee and is a member benefit. During the summer season, diagnostics and research are the cornerstone. An extensive amount of turfgrass research is conducted each year.


Terry Piche

Terry Piche has been in active in the field of recreation since 1979. Starting as a frontline practitioner with no training, he has subsequently obtained diplomas, through distance learning, in both arena management and leisure services, while working his way through the ranks of supervisor, manager, and director. This passion for life-long learning is what he strives to instill in the next generation of recreation facility professionals. Today, his work focuses on monitoring legislative change in many of the complex regulations, codes and acts that impact recreation. Further, he collaborates with key governing authorities so that they are better informed of ORFA’s leadership role in the recreation sector and how the association is investing its resources to assist their respective efforts in compliance. In addition, he captures industry experiences and best practices, and develops actionable, easy-to-implement and practical solutions that comprise components of ORFA training courses, which result in professional accreditation.

Website iconorfa/PublicProfile


Mike Schiedel

Mike Schiedel was born and raised on a sod farm in Cambridge, Ontario. Mike is the Operations Manager at Greenhorizons group of sod farms and is the current President of the Nursery Sod Growers Association of Ontario. He completed the Turf Managers' Short Course from the University of Guelph and has a life time of experience in cultivating turfgrass. Mike is the manager of Greenhorizons group of sod farms.

Website icon www.greenhorizonssod.com

Matt Legg

Matt Legg is the Technical Lead for Syngenta Professional Solutions, based out of Toronto, ON, where he leads all technical outreach, advanced troubleshooting, and product development on behalf of Syngenta Canada. Before joining Syngenta, Matthew worked in a golf course setting, serving in the capacity of Director of Agronomy within the private golf sector. Academically, Matt holds a diploma in turfgrass management from the University of Guelph, along with his Bachelor of Science, in Turfgrass Science, from the Pennsylvania State University. Outside of Syngenta, he provides educational outreach as a seasonal lecturer of Turfgrass Entomology at the University of Guelph, where he educates up-and-coming Turf Managers about the biology, ecology, and management of turf and landscape insect pests.

Tom Gould

Tom Gould works as an Agronomist for the United States Golf Association (USGA), providing golf course consultation and educational outreach across the Central United States. Before joining the USGA, he served as an assistant superintendent at Chicago Golf Club in Wheaton, Illinois, where he integrated new software tools to enhance maintenance and streamline operations. Tom has previous experience with the USGA as a Green Section Intern, where he contributed to course consulting, wrote Green Section Record articles, and supported USGA championships. He holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Horticulture with a turfgrass management emphasis from Iowa State University. While pursuing his master’s degree, he worked full-time as a research scientist, managing turfgrass research and renovations, including the Kentucky bluegrass grow-in at Jack Trice Stadium - Iowa State's football field. His early career included internships at both sports field and golf course facilities.


Linda Whitehead

Linda Whitehead is a Professor at Fanshawe College and author of Working in Play: Planning for a Career in the Recreation and Leisure Industry in Canada. Linda holds a Bachelor in Physical Education from Western University, a Masters of Education in Physical Education & Coaching from University of Victoria, and a Master of Business Administration from University of Liverpool. She has experience in nonprofit organizations, career development, and coaching. 

Frank Cain

Frank Cain is the Facility and Business Development Manager for the Department of Athletics at the University of Guelph and has been involved in the construction, operation and capital repair and replacement of the department’s facility assets. He joined the university after a long private sector career in facility design, construction and operations that took him across Canada and internationally to work with the largest parastatal company in China. Frank is a Certified Ice technician and a Registered Recreation Facilities Administrator with the Ontario Recreational Facilities Association, and he also instructs their Ground Management and Operations programs. 


Jordan Wallace

Jordan Wallace grew up on a Family Farm in North Gower, Ontario. His focus on Precision Agriculture Solutions progressed from a necessity to an addiction, and GPS Ontario formed in 2000 when Jordan and his father Morley branched out into a full solution provider for Precision agriculture Systems. With a strong focus on providing outstanding service and support for mixed fleets of equipment they soon moved from Infield Hardware Solutions into a Full Farm offering. Providing Ontario growers the only complete system, Precision Ag Solution from guidance solutions to on farm data management. Jordan takes farming to the next level by leveraging accuracy and data on his family farm to show higher than normal ROI’s using next generation farming techniques and solutions.


Taylor Oswin


Taylor Oswin studied at the University of Guelph from 2008 to 2016, obtaining an Undergraduate Degree in Environmental Toxicology and a Master’s of Science in Plant Agriculture. She worked for Monsanto conducting soybean breeding research, at Vive Crop Protection conducting efficacy experiments, and at the University of Guelph in the Turfgrass Research laboratory. She has extensive experience conducting research in a wide variety of crop groups in both an academic and industry environment. She has also worked as an agronomist at an agricultural supply company and a floriculture greenhouse.
Taylor became a Certified Crop Advisor in 2021 and a certified non-agricultural source material (NASM) plan developer in 2022. In her current role she supervises the team that writes the legal documents to apply NASM to farm fields as a source of nutrients. In this role she works with farmers to have their land spread with NASM and helps to evaluate materials for their beneficial potential.With over ten years of experience working in the agricultural industry, Taylor has a range of experience with the issues facing the agricultural community today. Taylor enjoys finding solutions for plant production issues using a whole ecosystem approach.



Sponsorships and Exhibitors can register at uoguel.ph/ots25sponsor 

Sponsorship 2025 Package

Premier Sponsor:

Nursery Sod Growers Association of Ontario

Media Sponsor:

Turf & Rec

Lanyard Sponsor:


Coffee Sponsors:


Zander Sod Ltd

Pastry Sponsors:


Alliance AgriTurf

Social Event Sponsor:

Clean Turf Canada

Plenary Room Sponsor:

The Aquatrols Company

Breakout Room Sponsors:

Weed Man

Target Specialty Products

G.C. Duke Equipment Ltd


Ontario Seed Company

Simplistic Lines

Plant Products



Bella Biochar

Covermaster - no one covers it better

EGO Commercial


Vanden Bussche Irrigation

Evergreen Bio Innovations

Mar-Co Clay
Echo Robotics

The Aquatrols Company






MCI Flowtronex


Turf Tank

Door Prize Sponsors: 

Plant Products

Belchim Canada- growing together




Hutcheson Sand & Mixes

Clean Turf Canada




Education Accredited by: 

Canadian Golf Superintendents Association

Golf Course Superintendents Association

Ontario Recreation Facilities Association

Sports Field Management Association

Professional Lawn Care Association of Ontario

IPm Accredited






Rozanski Hall, University of Guelph

The Ontario Turfgrass Symposium is held at: 

  • Rozanski Hall (ROZH)
  • University of Guelph
  • 50 Stone Road E, Guelph ON

View the interactive campus map here.

Attendee Parking is available in lots P15, P16 (off East Ring Rd), and P13 (off South Ring Road East). Please purchase a parking pass with registration ($9/car/day).
Exhibitor parking and loading is available in P5, off Trent Lane.

Hotels nearby include:


Campus map indicating Rozanski Hall (ROZH) and nearby parking lots



The summary document condenses all presentations from the Ontario Turfgrass Symposium into roughly 500 words to enhance knowledge transfer. This initiative was supported by the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance KTT Funding Program: Getting Science Off the Shelf

To read or download the full document, please click the image below. 

Summary of Presentations




Designed for turfgrass professionals—in partnership with Sports Turf Canada, Ontario Recreation Facilities Association, Nursery Sod Growers Association, and the Professional Lawn Care Association of Ontario—the annual Ontario Turfgrass Symposium (OTS) is hosted by the Guelph Turfgrass Institute at the University of Guelph, an international leader in the turf sciences.

Take advantage of a great opportunity to grow as a turfgrass professional, network with colleagues in the turf profession, and expand your expertise. Attend a variety of high-quality sessions focusing on the areas of sports turf, recreational facilities, lawn care, golf course, and nursery sod.

For questions about the Ontario Turfgrass Symposium, please email gti@uoguelph.ca or call 226-971-1563

Be sure to join our mailing list to stay informed about conference details.


Ontario Turfgrass Symposium

Campus Closure policy: If the University of Guelph campus is closed due to severe weather conditions or other causes, registrants will be compensated with a partial refund. The Ontario Turfgrass Symposium will not be responsible for travel or other related expenses incurred by the registrant. Announcements of campus closures are available at: news.uoguelph.ca/category/closure-notices 

Refund policy: A refund, less a 10% administration fee, will be issued if a written request is received by January 31, 2024. Refunds will not be issued after this date, but you may transfer your registration to another person if written notification is provided in advance. Those who register but do not attend will not receive a refund. 

Be sure to join our mailing list to stay informed about conference details.