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GTI Diagnostic Clinic University of Guelph, Guelph Turfgrass Institute, Nursery Sod Growers Association of Ontario, ORFA, PLCAO, Sports Turf Canada, Ontario Turfgrass Symposium: The Leading Edge of Information Sports Turf Canada Research Field Day 2018 - Guelph Turfgrass Turfgrass Research Turf students featured in various workshops and study sessions Canadian Turf Talks - image of a microphone and sound waves

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Featured Videos

  • Dr. Jordan's Research Video

    Hear about Dr. Jordan's research program and turfgrass research at the University of Guelph!

  • Turfgrass Identification and Uses – Commercial Lawns

    It is important to match the type of turf species to local conditions and intended use (function, maintenance, appearance). A discussion with Mike Vanbeek, Instructor in the Associate Diploma in Turfgrass Management Program.

  • Professor Tom Hsiang is a Professor of Plant Pathology in the department of Environmental Sciences at the Ontario Agricultural College.  Click here to learn more about the exciting and innovative research Dr. Hsiang and his lab group are doing in the field of plant pathology with regard to alternative controls for disease in turfgrass systems