GTI News

Precision Services

2015 Superintendent in Residence Lecture

Ice Damage: Reflections on Forty Years of Experience in Quebec

Doug Meyer, Superintendent, Beaconsfield Golf Club, Montreal, QC

Monday, January 26 - 5:30 pm
Cutten Fields Golf Club, 190 College Avenue, Guelph, ON

GTI Research Field Day

The Guelph Turfgrass Institute is hosting a free Field Day on Thursday, October 9, 2014 from 9:30 am to noon. This event will highlight current research being conducted by University of Guelph and OMAFRA researchers including new turf species and cultivar evaluation, turf disease management strategies, fertility trials, drought tolerance and water conservation, biological control of weeds and diseases, new formulations and management strategies for low risk herbicides in lawn care, improving golf course winter hardiness, tree disease management and the annual and perennial trial garden.

Sports Turf Canada Announces Manager of the Year

Sports Turf Canada is pleased to announce that Ray Stukas is the 2014 Sports Turf Manager of the Year.

The Sports Turf Manager of the Year award is a prestigious honour which recognizes an individual’s professional ability and contribution to the Canadian sports turf industry and shows appreciation for his or her proactive and progressive efforts within the profession.

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